Dallas, TX 75234
Can I Sue If I Slipped and Fell at a Grocery Store in TX?
Whether you are at a grocery store, an office building, a public park, or visiting a friend’s home, you expect the property to be safe. However, accidents can happen at any time, anywhere. Falls account for millions of injury-related emergency room visits every year in the U.S., and some of these falls happen because of someone else’s negligence. You may be able to obtain compensation through a personal injury claim if you were injured in a grocery store slip-and-fall accident. Discuss your situation with a knowledgeable attorney from Jerry D. Andrews, P.C.. We offer free consultations, so call us now.
What Is a Slip-and-Fall Accident?
A slip and fall accident happens when you slip on something and then fall on property belonging to someone else. Frequent causes of slip-and-fall accidents include:
Slippery walking surfaces, whether inside or outdoors
Loose, broken, or non-existent handrails on stairways
Uneven surfaces, such as broken pavement in parking areas and loose flooring
Curled entry or area rugs
Insufficient lighting
Objects left in walkways, including power cords, boxes, and other trip hazards
Not every fall is a slip-and-fall that qualifies for a premises liability claim. If you are injured on your own property, you are probably not eligible. In other cases, you must meet specific criteria to get compensation.
What Is Premises Liability?
Grocery stores and other public spaces have one or more parties that are legally responsible for keeping the property safe for customers and visitors. In cases involving a retail store, those parties might be the property owner, the business, or third parties. Trespassers typically cannot benefit from a premises liability claim.
Timing is a critical factor in these cases. To qualify for compensation, the responsible party must:
Have known, or should have known, about a hazardous condition
Had enough time to make repairs or restrict access to the dangerous area, but did not
Failed to warn others about the danger
Your accident must have been a reasonably foreseeable consequence of the hazard. For example, it is reasonable to assume that a slick floor in a grocery store could cause customers to slip and fall.
Examples of Grocery Store Premises Liability Cases
We will look at an example to explain this confusing concept. Suppose a refrigerated case in a grocery store is leaking, with water spreading across the floor. You slip on the water and fall, injuring your wrist, knees, and head. This is where timing comes into play.
If the leak had just happened and store management was unaware of it, they could not have taken any measures to prevent your fall. In this scenario, you may not see any compensation.
If management knew the case was leaking but did not take appropriate measures to keep customers safe, you may get a settlement. These safety measures might be:
Placing "wet floor" signs
Putting absorbent material along the base of the case, checking frequently to ensure that no more water escaped
Mopping the spill
Maintenance personnel with the knowledge to repair the unit may be unable to fix it immediately, but the listed precautions should keep customers safe. You will need evidence to support your claim.
Call Today for Your Free Consultation With Our Skilled Dallas, TX Premises Liability Lawyer
As you can see, a slip-and-fall case can be complicated. At Jerry D. Andrews, P.C., we will investigate your accident and advocate to protect your rights and best interests. Our goal is to help you get the highest possible amount of compensation. Call us at 214-221-5800 now to speak with our dedicated Irving, TX personal injury attorney. Se Habla Espanol.