Dallas, TX 75234
Knowing these signs may help you stay away from a drunk driver
You may have a number of concerns while on the road or while your loved ones are on the road. You certainly want to stay safe and never want to learn that a loved one has suffered injuries in an accident. Of course, you likely also know that a choice made by another person could easily result in a crash that has life-altering consequences.
In particular, a person making the decision to drink and drive could result in you or a loved one suffering serious or even fatal injuries. These dangerous drivers plague Texas roadways, and unfortunately, the odds are high that you or a family member will share the road with a drunk driver at some point.
Signs of a drunk driver
In some cases, you may notice a vehicle swerving or otherwise seeming suspicious, and you may wonder whether that vehicle has an impaired driver behind the wheel. Any time you have an inkling of impairment, it may suit your best interests to stay far away from that vehicle. Some other signs that may raise your suspicions include the following:
- Speeding
- Hitting the curb
- Weaving
- Drifting into the opposite lanes
- Straddling two lanes
- Speeding up or slowing down unexpectedly
- Incorrectly stopping at a stop sign, such as driving past the sign before stopping, stopping well before the sign or not stopping at all
- Not using a turn signal when turning or turning on the signal when not turning
- Driving slowly in the fast lane
- Failing to turn on headlights when driving at night
- Driving in the wrong lane
Other erratic or reckless behaviors could also signify a drunk driver. Even if you are not sure, it is always better to be safe than sorry. If a driver is causing you concern due to his or her actions, you should safely get off the road and contact emergency services regarding your concerns.
DUI accidents
Unfortunately, you may not always have time to spot a drunk driver before one causes an accident involving your vehicle or the vehicle of a loved one. Drunk driving crashes are commonly serious events, and you or a family member may suffer serious injuries as a result. If this happens to you or a loved one, you may have reason to pursue a personal injury or wrongful death claim (should the incident prove fatal) in order to seek compensation for damages stemming from the crash.