Dallas, TX 75234
The Role of Vocational Rehabilitation Experts in Your Texas Car Crash Injury Claim
For many people involved in serious car crashes, their bodies never fully recover from the trauma of the accident. The forces placed on the human body in a collision are powerful, and medical professionals may not always be able to help individuals get back to their pre-accident state. They may experience some improvement but still deal with lingering symptoms for months or years after the crash. Some people are left permanently disabled after a wreck.
To help those who have suffered from injuries in a car accident, Texas law allows injured parties to seek financial compensation for the losses they have incurred. In some injury claims, damages include compensation for lost earning capacity. Testimony from a vocational rehabilitation expert is often crucial in proving the impact of a person's injuries on their ability to work.
What is a Vocational Rehabilitation Expert?
Vocational rehabilitation experts are professionals who specialize in helping people with physical or mental impairments find gainful employment. They may assess an individual’s skills, abilities and interests as well as their disability and how it affects their employability. They are also experienced in providing guidance and support when it comes to job searches, resume writing, and interview preparation.
How a Vocational Rehabilitation Expert May Benefit Your Texas Car Accident Claim
In a personal injury case involving claims for lost earning capacity, an expert witness is often called upon to testify as to the impact of a person’s injuries on their ability to work. Vocational rehabilitation experts are well-suited for this role as they have the specialized knowledge and experience needed to assess the damage done to a person’s earning capacity.
The expert may provide in-depth evaluations of an individual’s current economic status, including years of education attained, occupation history and earning capacities. They may also evaluate the impact of a person’s disability on their ability to find and maintain gainful employment.
These experts can provide invaluable insights into the factors that have contributed to an individual’s current economic status, such as physical limitations or mental health issues. The testimony they provide can help claimants seek the full compensation they need to be made whole again.
Contact Our Dallas Car Accident Injury Lawyer
If you or someone you love has been injured in a car accident, contact experienced Texas personal injury lawyer Jerry D. Andrews for help pursuing financial compensation. Mr. Andrews can advise you on whether bringing in a vocational rehabilitation expert is necessary for your case and how their testimony may benefit your claim. Call 214-221-5800 to set up a free initial consultation.