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Speeding is common, but it's devastating

 Posted on December 08, 2017 in Uncategorized

Every driver in Texas will likely admit to getting behind the wheel while in a hurry and driving a bit too fast at least once. However, as you know, speeding is dangerous, and the reality is that driving too fast greatly increases the chance of a car accident and the severity of a collision.

If you were hurt in an accident caused by a speeding driver, you have options. Victims of excessive speed are able to hold liable drivers accountable through personal injury claims. You have no time to lose in ensuring the protection of your rights and learning more about your options for obtaining compensation after an accident.

Too fast is simply too dangerous

When the speed is especially high, driving too fast is a type of reckless driving. Many people speed, and some may think that it is not that bad as long as no one gets hurt and they don't get caught. In reality, speeding is simply too risky. Consider the following about excessive speed and car accidents:

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Why has being a pedestrian become more dangerous?

 Posted on November 08, 2017 in Uncategorized

Distracted driving accidents have been on the rise in Texas and across the country, despite increased education and law enforcement efforts. While not necessarily as risky as distraction behind the wheel, distraction on the part of pedestrians is also an issue.

In fact, statistics show an 11-percent increase in the number of pedestrians killed in the United States last year, and pedestrian distraction was a contributing factor.

Factors to Consider

As vehicles these days come with more safety features than ever before, you might assume that the number of car accidents would decrease, but that is not the case. Overall, the number of motor vehicle accidents has increased by 6 percent, and a significant number of these collisions involve people on foot. Researchers note a variety of contributing factors:

  • Better gas prices and a stronger economy mean more people driving, which raises the risk of vehicle accidents, including pedestrian accidents.

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What kinds of distracted driving have you noticed?

 Posted on October 08, 2017 in Uncategorized

Driving in the Dallas area can be a challenge at times. Highways and interstates are often heavily laden with traffic, and chances are you have witnessed some close calls. No matter how cautious you are, your best efforts may not be enough to avoid a collision, especially if a distracted driver is in your midst.

Anytime a driver takes hands off the wheel, mind off the task of driving, or eyes away from the road, that driver is distracted.

Texting while driving is known to be the most dangerous form of distracted driving — just as dangerous as drunk driving — but there are other forms of distraction.

These are the most common kinds of distracted driving that make roads in Dallas County unsafe:

  • Eating or drinking while driving: crashes occur when people drop hot liquids on themselves; try to brush crumbs off their clothing; try to fix the wrappers of sandwiches; reach for food; and generally focus on eating or drinking more than on driving. This kind of distraction leads to more crashes than you might think.

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No texting while driving in Texas

 Posted on September 15, 2017 in Uncategorized

Following the lead of other states across the nation, Texas recently enacted a statewide texting-while-driving ban. As of Sept. 1, it is now illegal to text while driving in Texas. A number of cities had already passed distracted driving ordinances, but state lawmakers had struggled to get a law passed until Gov. Abbott signed the new law in June.

It's important to understand that each year thousands of deaths and hundreds of thousands of injuries are caused by distracted driving nationwide. Now Texas law recognizes the dangers of texting behind the wheel.

Details of the new law

The law allows a police officer to stop a driver and give a ticket if the driver is seen using a handheld device while the vehicle is in operation. A violation could involve reading, writing or sending a text message while driving.

The penalty for the first offense is a $99 fine, and the second offense results in a $200 fine. The law is not comprehensive and does allow for some use of smartphones among drivers. A driver can use the phone for GPS purposes, to make a phone call and to change the song on a music playing app. The law against texting also does not assign points on the licenses of those commit violations.

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Studies show hands-free tech still causes driver distraction

 Posted on August 11, 2017 in Uncategorized

These days people live their lives constantly attached to their cellphones, and in many ways, cellphones make aspects of life more convenient.

On the other hand, mobile devices also cause a considerable amount of distraction, particularly when it comes to driving.

Research has shown that use of hands-free or handheld technology behind the wheel quadruples the risk of an accident.

Texting or talking on a cellphone is known for causing frequent car accidents, and often the main hazard is attributed to taking hands off the wheel and eyes off the road in order to send texts or answer calls. However, even with hands-free technology, cellphone use continues to put drivers and other travelers at risk.

Many people are under the impression that going hands-free will allow them to use their cellphones in a safer manner. Unfortunately, this notion does not hold up under scrutiny. In fact, studies have shown that using a hands-free device still distracts drivers because they take their minds off the task of driving.

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3 types of driver distraction and why they threaten your safety

 Posted on July 12, 2017 in Uncategorized

Distraction is a threat to every Texas motorist, including you. Drivers who choose to participate in a distracting behavior can cause devastating harm, even in a matter of a few seconds of distraction.

Technically, distracted driving is any type of behavior that takes a driver's attention from the road and the obligation to drive safely. All forms of distraction fall into at least one of three main categories, and every form of distraction is preventable, negligent and dangerous for every person on the road.

What are the three main types of distracted driving?

As noted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, distracted driving falls into these three categories:

  • Visual: Visual distraction includes anything that takes a driver's eyes off the road for any reason, for any amount of time. From reading a phone screen to looking at a billboard, a visual distraction can be incredibly dangerous.

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Were you injured by a drugged driver?

 Posted on June 15, 2017 in Uncategorized

Like drunk driving, drugged driving is a dangerous and inexcusable behavior that puts other people at risk of collisions and serious injuries. The choice to get behind the wheel while under the influence of any type of intoxicating substance could be a decision that results in the physical harm or death of an innocent person.

If you were hurt in a Texas car accident that you believe was the result of drugged driving, you may be entitled to significantly more compensation than the insurance company initially offers.

Drugged driving is a growing problem in Texas and nationwide.

As with alcohol, drug use can affect a driver's ability to think clearly and make prompt, appropriate decisions while behind the wheel. Even a small amount of an illegal drug in a driver's system can lead to devastating consequences. In fact, marijuana, one of the most common recreational drugs, can cause the following types of behaviors in drivers:

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Injured by a fatigued truck driver? Know your legal options for compensation.

 Posted on May 12, 2017 in Truck Accidents

One of the most common reasons for trucking accidents in Texas is fatigue. Truck drivers face stiff deadlines when it comes to reaching their destinations. As a result, they usually feel the pressure to stay behind the wheel longer than permitted. In fact, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration regulates how long truck drivers can operate their vehicles in one sitting.

When truck drivers fail to take time to rest, this can lead to extreme fatigue. Unfortunately, the fatigue can end up causing a serious accident leading to injuries. If you have been hurt in a truck accident caused by fatigue, you have the right to pursue compensation.

Why is fatigue such a problem?

Fatigued motorists face issues such as decreased alertness and delayed reaction times. They also have slower reflexes and find it difficult to process information. When drivers of trucks are tired, they generally do not react properly to traffic conditions that are constantly changing. Because their compromised reflexes, they may not be able to steer or press the brake quickly enough to avoid a crash.

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4 truck driver distractions that could leave you with injuries

 Posted on April 10, 2017 in Truck Accidents

Distractions affect everyone throughout their daily lives. In many cases, you may not even realize that you have become distracted until something else catches your attention. Though distraction does not always have dire consequences, distracted driving can easily lead to a serious accident. If the crash involves a distracted semi-truck driver, the outcome could be devastating.

Though certain factors could impact any driver and lead to distraction, truck drivers face specific aspects of their jobs that could result in distraction. If you were injured by a distracted truck driver, you could potentially use that information as part of your personal injury case. Some common truck driver distractions include:


Any cellphone use, especially texting, can easily distract a driver. Texting and dialing requires taking your eyes off the road, at least one hand off the wheel and mind off the task of driving. In fact, distracted driving is known to be as dangerous if not more dangerous than drunk driving, especially when large commercial vehicles are involved.

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Are you ready to take the first steps toward compensation?

 Posted on February 17, 2017 in Uncategorized

After suffering a serious injury in a car accident, you may have reason to pursue a civil claim against the driver considered at fault. Though many individuals consider such legal proceedings relatively common, you may not fully understand the process that your case may go through as you work to gain compensation for allowable damages. Luckily, many civil claims move forward in a similar order, though some steps may change depending on state law.

If you would like to file a civil claim in hopes of gaining restitution, you may want to prepare yourself for a potentially long process. However, in the end, your efforts may prove worth the time. The first steps involved in the proceedings include:

  • Filing a complaint and summons: A complaint expresses the claims you wish to bring against the party considered at fault for your accident, also known as the defendant. The summons contains the order for the defendant to appear in court and gain awareness of the claim filed against him or her. Typically, your legal representation prepares your legal documents.

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